15 Apr

It is timely that a major revision of Alaska's Wild Plants is being released in spring 2020 by West Margin Press.  We are all in the Covid-19 lockdown and what is growing freely outside our door can help us survive and thrive during the pandemic. Even though I now live in New Zealand,  many of the book's species- especially those in the gardens, lawns and disturbed soils section, also live here. During my travels in Europe two years ago, I recognized many of my Alaska-familiar trees. shrubs and herbs in France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. 

This expanded edition integrates more than two decades of notes from teaching wild plant classes as well as findings from global clinical trials. My relationship with the herbs is now deeper than ever and I trust that this book will be a key in deepening your own relations with plants. My personal goal during this rewrite was to learn something new with every plant, and indeed I have. Plant knowledge deepens from working with the plants themselves, as well as relating with other plant enthusiasts, herbalists, authors, and Native people. Personal practice remains key, but we're also now able to ‘teleport’ via the world wide web into plant clinical trials being conducted in Eastern Europe, Iran, Korea, Japan etc. (A list of the trials I've referenced is available here via a free download from the publisher West Margin Press: westmarginpress.com). The team at West Margin Press inspired the book's revision, and a work far beyond what any of us had originally envisioned has resulted. The new edition of Alaska’s Wild Plants is lavishly illustrated and double in size. Though still small enough to be portable for hikers and adventurers, the book is extensive enough for years of use. I consider it an essential for home, cabin, boat and backpack. 

The team at West Margin Press inspired the book's revision, and a work far beyond what any of us had originally envisioned has resulted.  The new edition of Alaska’s Wild Plants is lavishly illustrated and double in size. Though still small enough to be portable for hikers and adventurers, the book is extensive enough for years of use.  I consider it an essential for home, cabin, boat and backpack. Order a copy from your local bookstore,  or visit my author page on Amazon